Opening (Hebrews 1:1-3)

Hebrews is going to be a book-sermon all about Jesus. And it opens up straight into its argument without preamble or greeting:

“God spoke… has spoken”

We only know of God and have a chance to be in a personal relationship with Him because He speaks to us. Everything we know about God and about what He expects of his creation is because He makes it known to us. In the Bible, in His special revelation, He spoke in Old Testament days through prophets many ways, storms, signs, spoken word. However, it was not until the New Testament era that we got the full revelation from God—the fulfillment of everything that had. Been said before—in the person of the Son, Jesus. Christ.

“by his Son”

Jesus is the Word. He is both. The fulfillment of everything that had been prophesied before, but also. The clearly spoken word of the message of God’s salvation. It is in the message and the life of Christ that we understand who God is and what He wants. And it is in the life and ministry of Jesus on the cross that we see God’s expectations made reality, made possible.

Jesus is quickly introduced and described in a series of qualifications…

“heir of all things”

All of creation has been given to Jesus. He is the Lord of all things through time and space.

“through whom also he created the worlds”

Jesus was instrumental in Creation. He made “the worlds.” This word encompasses all of the aforementioned time and space. The universe in its totality has been made by Jesus Christ.

“He is the radiance of the glory of God”

Jesus is the visible glory of God. When we see Jesus, or read about Jesus, we are seeing, and reading about God.

“and the exact imprint of his nature”

Jesus isn’t just like God; He is literally God. Jesus is the nature of God.

“he upholds the universe by the word of his power”

And HE didn’t just make the universe; He maintains it. Jesus is active in holding the universe together and making it work the way that it does. When we see evidence of the laws of nature, we are see evidence of God’s activity in the universe.

“After making purification for sins”

Jesus also fulfilled the reconciliation of creation. In His death on the cross, Jesus took upon himself the punishment for sins. He has made a way possible for sinful humans to be forgiven and to approach the Holy Creator of the universe. Through Him we have the possibility of a relationship with our Maker.

“He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high”

And having done that, Jesus is now enthroned over the universe. He is the Savior and Lord of all.


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