Job’s Responses (Job 40:3-5; 42:1-6)

The fist time Job responds to God (40:3-5), it is almost comical. He opens his mouth to tell God that he is not going to speak! It is a bit like the old cartoon character Sniffles from the Merry Melodies series created by Chuck Jones (or any other number of similar types). He was talker who just would not shut up. The common joke had him chattering on-and-on about how he could be quiet when he wantd to.

Job is like that here: “I lay my hand on my mouth. I have spoken once, and I will not answer, twice, but I will proceed no further.”

His second response, however, is more serious. He quotes back to God some of the questions God has asked, and answers in humility. In reflection, we can join with Job in his realizations: God, You are all powerful and nothing can stand against You or Your plans! Your plans will be successful, and I can trust that! I cannot possibly know what You are doing unless You tell me. It is best to have my eyes on You and obey as I see You move; not to presume my plans/strategies/thoughts/desires are best! You are speaking; help me to hear what You are saying. Remind me to always turn to You and ask. I want to know You personally for myself, not merely to hear about you from others. God, it is not about me!

In the end, we do not understand why it is that (relatively) good people suffer. Why bad things happen when they happen. But we can choose to trust that God knows what He is doing, and that the suffering He allows into our lives will be for our ultimate good.


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