Hebrews (Working Outline)

Jesus, the Son of God, the radiance of God’s glory, and the exact representation of His nature. (1) [1:1-3]

I. The Superior Person: Jesus

A. Jesus is Superior to the Angels.
1. Jesus is superior to the Angels. (2) [1:4-14]
2. Exhortation 1: Do Not Drift Away from God’s Word! (3) [2:1-4]
3. Jesus is the perfect human, and His death brought life to humanity.
i. …made a little while lower than angels (4) [2:5-9]
ii. …bringing salvation through sufferings (5) [2:10-13]
iii. …made a man to become their high priest (6) [2:14-18]

B. Jesus is Superior to Moses.
1. Jesus is superior to Moses. (7) [3:1-6]
2. Exhortation 2: Do Not Harden your Hearts to God’s Word!
i. Encourage one another to maintain faith! (8) [3:7-19]
ii. Receive God’s Word in faith and obey it! (9) [4:1-13]

C. Jesus’ Priesthood is Superior to Aaron’s.
1. Jesus, the Son of God, is our great High Priest. (10) [4:14-16]
2. Jesus is superior to Aaron, being of the Order of Melchizedek. (11) [5:1-10]
3. Exhortation 3: Do Not Become Dulled to God’s Word!
i. Grow in maturity by consuming God’s Word! (12) [5:11-14]
ii. Grow through Gospel knowledge, not religious traditions! (13) [6:1-8]
iii. God will not forget you, exercise your faith with diligence! (14) [6:9-12]
iv. Our hope rests in God’s unfailing promise. (15) [6:13-20]
4. The Priesthood of Melchizedek.
i. Before Aaron, there was Melchizedek, a priest and king. (16) [7:1-3]
ii. Abraham paid him the tithe, and was blessed. (17) [7:4-10]
iii. The Messiah was foretold to be a priest of this order. (18) [7:11-22]
iv. Aaronic sacrifices did not suffice, Jesus’ is forever. (19) [7:23-25]
v. Jesus required no forgiveness, so His sacrifice was perfect. (20) [7:26-28]

II. The Superior Work of Jesus: (Jesus Sacrifice and Covenant are Superior to the Old)

A. The New Covenant is Superior to the Old Covenant. (21) [8:1-13]

B. The New Covenant’s Tabernacle and Sacrifice Explained.
1. The tabernacle in the Old Covenant was an earthly copy. (22) [9:1-5]
2. Sacrifice and atonement in the Old Covenant was just a symbol. (23) [9:6-10]
3. Jesus offered the true, perfect sacrifice in the heavenly tabernacle. (24) [9:11-14]
4. Atonement Explained: Blood washes away sin, death being the wages of sin. (25) [9:15-22]
5. Christ’s sacrifice defeated sin once and for all. (26) [9:23-28]
6. The New Covenant is Perfect and Complete.
i. The old sacrifices had to be offered again and again, never perfecting. (27) [10:1-10]
ii. Christ’s sacrifice, good for all time, perfected all who are sanctified. (28) [10:11-18]

III. The Superior Life in Jesus: Faith

A. The Life of Faith
1. Exhortation 4: Draw Near to God in Faith! (29) [10:19-25]
i. Hold fast to the confession of our hope! (God’s Word, The Gospel) (v23)
ii. Stimulate one another to love and good deeds! (Discipleship, Accountability) (v24)
iii. Meet regularly and encourage one another! (Preaching, Teaching) (v25)
2. Exhortation 5: Do Not Reject the Hope we have in the Gospel!
i. Rejecting the law led to death, rejecting the Gospel is worse. (30) [10:26-31]
ii. Endure rejection and persecution, for the sake of the Gospel. (31) [10:32-39]

B. Examples of the Life of Faith.
1. Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. (32) [11:1, 2]
2. The Faith of Abel, Enoch, Noah, and Abraham before the promised land. (33) [11:3-12]
3. Faith as hope for that which is still to come. (34) [11:13-16]
4. The Faith of the Patriarchs that God would bless their descendants. (35) [11:17-22]
5. The Faith of Moses and Israel in the Exodus. (36) [11:23-29]
6. The Faith of Israel during the conquest of the promised land. (37) [11:30, 31]
7. The Faith throughout the rest of Scripture. (38) [11:32-38]
8. All Faith before Christ remained mere hope. (39) [11:39, 40]

C. Exhortation 6: Live the Life of Faith!
1. Remember these examples, lay aside sin, and fix your eyes on Christ! (40) [12:1, 2]
2. Consider Christ’s suffering: God uses suffering to chastise and grow us! (41) [12:3-11]
3. Strengthen the weak, and straighten the path forward! (42) [12:12, 13]
4. Pursue peace and sanctification; avoid bitterness and immorality! (43) [12:14-17]
5. We now have access to the City of God, the Community of Faith. (44) [12:18-24]
6. Do Not refuse the Words and Commands of God! (45) [12:25-29]

D. The Life of Faith in Daily Practice. Various Exhortations and Instructions. (46-48) [13:1-17]

“I urge you, brethren, bear with this word of exhortation, for I have written to you briefly.” (49,50) [13:18, 25]


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