Esther Basic Outline

I. Two Feasts and an Insecure King                                                       (1:1-22)
II. A Beauty Contest and Another Feast                                                (2:1-18)
III. A Plot Against the King Averted                                                       (2:19-23)
IV. A Plot Against the Jews Devised                                                       (3:1-15)
V. Esther is Convinced to Try to Stop the Plot                                      (4:1-17)
VI. Estherā€™s First Request: A Feast for the King and Haman                (5:1-14)
VII. Haman is Forced to Honor Mordecai                                              (6:1-14)
VIII. Estherā€™s 2nd Request: At a 2nd Feast for Haman and the King   (7:1-10)
IX. A Law Created and Feasts Instated                                                   (8:1-9:32)
X. Conclusion                                                                                            (10:1-3)


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