Epilogue: Vindication, Intercession, Restoration (Job 42:7-17)

After Job’s wise answer, we get two follow-up vignettes.

First, YHWH is angry with Eliphaz (particularly) and his two friends. Job has responded well (in the last 6 verses, not necessarily in the whole of his speech recorded in the rest of the book). Interestingly, I have seen commentary that many think that Eliphaz’s first speech (talking about the visions and nightmares) was satanically inspired. I will need to look at that more closely the next time I visit this book. Job is instructed to intercede for his friends (much as a priest) as they make offerings for of repentance.

Secondly, Job is restored—to an even higher level than he enjoyed before his suffering. However, that is not to be taken as supporting the message (that the book has rejected) that all people who suffer deserve it, and that righteous people will never suffer or are always rewarded!


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