The 17th Best All-Time Film

(5th Post -1998) 


Minority Report (2002)

When it comes to Spielberg films, my 17th all-time favorite film is the second highest. Higher than “Jurassic Park,” higher than “Schindler’s List,” higher than “Jaws” and certainly higher than “E.T.”, “Minority Report” is almost his best-ever film. Maybe it comes from the Kubrick influence that came from “A.I.” the year before. Maybe it is just the move to embrace more challenging and ambiguous material like “Catch Me If You Can” that would come out in the same year.

Whatever the reason, “Minority Report” combines a compelling and exciting story with philosophical and ethical quandaries that lend themselves to multiple viewings and discussions. And they aren’t just stereotypical science fiction topics, but real-world questions. (Such is often the case with good sci-fi!)

What sort of topics await a viewer of “Minority Report”? Free Will, fate, criminal justice, guilt and innocence, government control, safety vs. freedom, and on and on. And if that weren’t enough, thee debate surrounding the end of the film is intense and perhaps irresolvable.


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