Elihu: Suffering as a Disciple Part 4 (Job 32-37)

The Appearance of the Storm (35-37)

Over the course of Elihu’s speech, something amazing is occurring. We see the first hint in chapter 35, when Elihu mentions the clouds. This is not a metaphor that he comes up with from his imagination. He is pointing to clouds that are actually building up on the horizon. There is a huge storm brewing! Anyone who has grown up in an area with seasonal thunderstorms knows what this must have been like. You can see the storms building up over time from miles away, and you can watch the development and growth of the danger in real time.

Later, in chapter 36, he again illustrates his point by pointing to the storm that has continued. To develop. He talks of rain pouring down, and it is not just an imaginary reference. The clouds have now started to pour rain down visibly to the group as they look towards the storm. And he refers to the lightening that they can see illuminating the thunderheads. The storm is approaching, and it is unavoidable.

Finally, in chapter 37, the storm is near. Elihu talks about the fear and awe that it inspires. He relates this awe to the fear and attention we owe to God. We should listen to His revelation, and it should be like the deafening claps of thunder that the storm is issuing all around them. One imagines Elihu’s speech has become a shout so that he can still be heard above the thunder and wind.


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