Doxology (Jude 24,25)

24 Now to him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you blameless before the presence of his glory with great joy, 25 to the only God, our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen.

After all the talk of false teaching, false teachers, and threats to the faith, Jude does finally get to the gospel he was wanting to write about.

God alone is able to keep us from stumbling and get us across the finish line. If we are blameless and able to enter His presence it is not due to our accuracy of theology. It is through Jesus Christ our Lord and the saving sacrifice He provided! God alone receives all glory and majesty and dominion and authority. And that is the kernel of the true gospel message we need to be teaching and amplifying.

God alone is worthy of praise and adoration. We need to guard against every instinct to raise ourselves up into that position. If people ever hold us up as an example to be praised or imitated, we need to correct our position! God alone is King, and we need to be sure that we are not taking charge or leading in a way where people look to us for guidance. We need to lead others to always be turning to God for direction.

God alone is sovereign and in control. We donā€™t get to determine how things are going to be. Our faith is not what moves mountains in the end. Our faith in God and our trust in His plans will move all obstacles blocking what He wants. We need to remain submitted to His control.

And God has all authority. Jesus reminds us of this in His ultimate marching orders. All the authority in the universe belongs to Him. If we set out to follow His plans, to work at His goals, to teach His ways, we can have confidence that we will be successful in our endeavors.


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