What We We're Warned (Jude 14-19)

Jude is not the only one, nor the first one, to warn God’s people about such false teachers. He reminds his readers that Enoch (according to a prophecy recorded in the apocrypha) had warned about their coming judgement. (Here, Jude directly equates Jesus with YHWH.) And he reminds them that Jesus and the apostles had warned of a future with such false teachers. 

Here he further describes the godless teachers as: 

Grumblers, like the children of Israel in the wilderness, never content with God’s leadership or plans. They always wanted something different, and frequently wanted to go back to the way things were before their rescue (when they had plenty occasion to grumble as well!) 

Malcontents, which is basically a reinforcement of the grumbling description. However, it also might highlight the tendency to want our own plans and outcomes, rather than God’s. 

Followers of their own sinful desires. Again, this takes the grumbling and discontent to the next level. They do not just reject God’s plans; they impose their own desires. They are led by, and work to achieve, their own wishes. 

Boasters, they pump up themselves and achieve their means through self-promotion. There is a reason false teachers tend to have a large following. They don’t just teach things that please the crowds. It is a part of their plan for self-advancement and the achievement of their own ends. 

Finally, they use favoritism to accomplish these ends as well. They will tickle the ears of anyone who is able to help them.  

Don’t be surprised that such leaders and teachers have always been a danger to the church throughout its history. We we’re warned this would be the case! 


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