The Path of Integrity (Job 29-31)

In chapters 29-31, we read Job’s final speech of defense. The arguing between the friends has ended after the three cycles, and Job has expounded on the power of God and the place of wisdom. Now he delivers a speech looking back on his life and the “path of integrity” he has journeyed. 

Job starts with the description of the “good old days.” It would sound like a skewed memory, better than reality as people so often tend when they reminisce, accept that we know from the prologue that it is true. Job was a well-respected successful man. He was successful because he was blessed by God. He was respected because he dealt with people justly and compassionately. 

But now things have changed. Job is scorned. He is disrespected by the young. He is mistreated be emboldened enemies. Even his friends have little compassion for him. Everyone assumes he is getting what he deserves. Job even comes close to accusing God here. In his worldview—which is closer to his friends than you might think—God must indeed be punishing him. However, he maintains that this is injustice. 

Job spends the third part of this speech defending himself against any accusation of sin. He has not lusted, lied, cheated. He has not abused his servants. He has not mistreated the poor, widowed, or orphaned, or refused to help them. He has not placed his trust in his vast wealth nor worshiped any other false idols. He has not taken pleasure in the problems of his enemies. He has never refused hospitality toward foreigners and travelers. And he has not concealed his sins. 

Lest we doubt Job, we can look back at the beginning of the book. God himself has declared Job to be a righteous man. His integrity is indeed intact! He is not suffering any just desserts. And here, Job’s words end. This is the quandary. Why do bad things happen to good people? Why is there suffering in this world created by a just, loving, and involved God? If it isn’t always cosmic justice as we understand it, then what is the explanation? Read on…


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