Jude Outline

I. Opening: Greeting and Blessing (1,2) 

II. Body

A. Introduction: Contend Against False Teaching! (3,4)

1. Jude wanted to write about the Gospel. (3a)
2. But instead found it necessary to write against a danger in the church. (3b)
3. Namely, false teachers infiltrating and perverting the Gospel for gain and pleasure. (4)

B. Three Examples of Perversions Previously Punished (5-7)

1. Israel who did not trust God in the wilderness. (5)
2. Angelic beings who abandoned their rightful position. (6)
3. Sodom and Gomorrah who indulged in sexual perversion. (7)

C. The Current False Teachers Are Like the Former (8-11)

1. What do they do? Justified through dreams… (8)
      i. They defile the flesh.
      ii. They reject authority.
      iii. They revile glorious ones.
2. Even Michael the Archangel did not have such audacity. (9)
3. False Teachers fail to understand and ignore what they know. (10,11)
      i. They walk in the way of Cain.
      ii. They seek gain through the error of Balaam.
      iii. They rebel like Korah.

D. The Current False Teachers Further Described (12-19)

1. Jude colorfully characterizes the false teachers. (12,13)
      i. Hidden reefs
      ii. Selfish shepherds
      iii. Dry clouds
      iv. Fruitless, dead trees
      v. Foamy, wild waves
      vi. Wandering stars
2. The warning of Enoch. (14,15)
3. Further characterizations. (16)
      i. Grumblers
      ii. Malcontents
      iii. Sinful desire followers
      iv. Boasters
      v. Favoritism profiteers
4. The warning of Jesus. (17-19)

E. How Should We Contend? (20-23)

      1. Grow in faith.
      2. Praying
      3. Remain in God’s love.
      4. Wait on Christ’s mercy.
      5. Have mercy on doubters.
      6. Snatch others out of the fire of false doctrine.
      7. Show mercy with fear, hating the hint of “the flesh.” 

III. Closing: Doxology (24,25)


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