Accountability (James 5:19,20)

James concludes his letter—or sermon—with an appeal. It is an appeal to community and to accountability. The letter so far might have felt like an admonition to individuals. In our western culture we tend to look to sermons and bible passages as a guide for what must I do to be better. But this text ends with a reminder that we are in this together. 

We should not only concern ourselves with wondering if WE are staying on the right track. In the community of faith we are called upon to help each other not to wander or stray. We tend to be cautious in this regard these days. “Judge not lest you be judged” and all that. However, a true concern for our brothers (and sisters) is a true demonstration of love. And, I for one, would want people to let me know when I have wandered off the right way.


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