Wisdom: Trust God with Your Possessions and Be Generous (James 5:1-6)

In Chapter five, James continues the contrast between the Worldview of the World and that of the Spirit, true wisdom vs. the world’s idea of wisdom. But he also takes on a new tone. Instead of addressing the churches and brethren in the faith, he speaks in a much harsher approach to the rich. 

The rich are condemned and judged because they have placed their trust in their possessions, their wealth. Instead, they should trust their future and safety to God, not the power of money. Not only that, but because they only trust the false security of wealth and possessions, they have not used their power to help others. They hoard things for themselves, only to have those things fail them in the end. 

When we embrace the worldview of the Spirit, we can afford to treat others equitably. We can pay the people who work for us justly. We can benefit the poor and needy with what God has given us. We will not just enjoy the blessings God bestows on us, we can be an instrument of His blessing.


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