Two Types of Wisdom, Competing Worldviews (James 3:13-18)

This passage could really be the start of the next section. The rest of the letter will focus on the contrast between two “wisdoms” or “worldviews.” The true wisdom that comes from God the Creator, and the purported “wisdom” of the fallen system of the world in sin. This short passage contrasts the two wisdoms. The rest of the letter will continue to explore both types of wisdom, and of course, promote the Godly form. 

True wisdom is seen as gentle, humble, or meek, as well as pure, peaceable, gentle, reasonable, unwavering, constant, full of mercy and good deeds. It leads to peace. The world’s idea of wisdom by contrast is bitter, jealous, selfish, ambitious, arrogant, false, disorderly, and evil. It is demonic and leads to quarrels and conflicts. 

Scientific studies of the brain have recently revealed that people who think about grievances, injustices, and wrongs done against them (either real or imagined) have the exact same chemical reaction in the brain as someone who is addicted to drugs. Obsessing about revenge and retaliation triggers the same dopamine release. So just thinking about how you have been wronged creates a reward and pleasure reaction that is addictive. It is no wonder that powers in the world throughout history have used this to their advantage. Creating enemies for us to hate is an effective way of controlling us. 

We will see as we proceed through the rest of the Letter of James, that true wisdom involves seeing others as individuals, communicating clearly and with empathy, and humbling ourselves as the creatures we are. Leave the retaliation, and the rewarding, to God. It is not our place to pursue such things.


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