The 24th Best All Time Film


(7th Post-1998) 

Signs (2002) 

(Along with 11th and 13th Post 1998: The Village (2004) The Sixth Sense (1999)) 

    M. Night Shayamalan made a big splash early in his career. The fact that he did not maintain that early level of quality caused many to dismiss him along with his early hits. But there is no denying the amazing quality, entertainment and story elements of his early work. “Sixth Sense” and even Unbreakable (which is ranked lower in my book) were excellent. “The Village” is still a fascinating study of society, culture, and manipulation. 

    But for me, “Signs” is the pinnacle of Shyamalan’s work. On the surface, it is just an excellent slow-burn alien invasion movie. But under the surface it is a study of faith. Gibson’s Graham is a man who has had his faith not just shaken but destroyed. His family and community still look to him for an assurance and wisdom that he has given up on. 

    Coming right after the terrorist attacks of 2001, it is also a study of America’s questioning its own nationalistic faith. In the spiritual aspect of the story, faith is restored in the unmistakable affirmation of the reality of God’s activity in the world. But in the political aspect of the story, it is right to question the nationalism America has always trusted. The family is left isolating themselves, hoping against hope for the problem to simply go away. 

    This is one of those films that is enjoyable on multiple viewings, and with every visit new insights are discovered. 


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