2020 in Review

2020 was a terrible year… for my writing/thinking discipline. This seems a little ironic since, with the lockdowns and the forced isolation, all we had time for should have been to sit, think, and write. But then, a lot of what one would normally do alone and at home sort of went away in 2020. Movies were few and far between. And even when we sat down to watch stuff, we tended to drift to the familiar and comfortable. Old TV shows we have seen a lot of times instead of the new, thought-provoking stuff.

All things considered; we were tremendously blessed during the pandemic-of-the-century year. At the time of this writing, no one in my household got Covid19. All of the members of my family who did, did not require hospitalization. We didn’t get to attend the wedding of our first child to get married, which was a terribly sad thing for us, but we did get a wonderful new daughter-in-law. We were stuck at home a lot, but it all happened in this day-in-age where you can pipe in every form of media, and you can talk to people via video-conference technologies galore.

I am cautious about getting too excited for 2021. There is absolutely no reason to count on it being much better than 2021. But it should see the start of things getting better again… eventually.


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