Following the Law of Liberty p1 (James 1:19-25)

The Word Implanted (v 21) 

If “the Word of Truth” saves us, we need to let it work in our lives. James exhorts his readers to let it grow in them as a planted seed. If we claim to be saved—to have the kind of faith that God requires—then we ought to see the work of the Gospel having an effect on our lives. Of course, the “Word of Truth” is how James refers to the Gospel Message. 

The Gospel Message tells us that we cannot be the people God wants us to be on our own. We can’t have a relationship with Him as a result of our sin nature. We need the righteousness, the holiness, of Jesus covering our sin nature to have a restored relationship with our Creator. It is not enough to understand this concept. We need to have Jesus righteousness applied to our lives in reality, not theory. 

We understand that it is not within our power to change or to become the people God wants us to be. But it is within His power, we merely have to allow Him to work. And that is where the “implanted Word” is applied. Just as we cannot buy a pack of seeds only to stick them in a cabinet and forget about them if we want to see plants, we can’t keep our Bible on a shelf and think it will change us. The seed grows on its own, but we have to make sure it is planted and nourished. And the Word of God has to be planted deeply in our hearts and minds to change who we are. 

Prove Yourselves Doers of the Word! (v 22) 

That is why James tells us we cannot be mere hearers of the Word. We need to do more than just read it for it to work in us. We need to do what the Word commands. In part, that means applying the Gospel message to our lives in a real way. But it also means really trying to live by the commands of God daily. Doing what He says. If the Gospel message saves us when we receive it in humility and helplessness, then the ethical message of the Word of God will lead to blessings when we live it out. 

But watch out! It is easy to get what James is saying backwards. The Gospel Message saves, and when we receive it, it truly does change us. But we do not receive it by changing. Change is a result of salvation, not the other way around. James says the Gospel Message is “implanted.” It is like a seed. And we all know that seeds grow naturally, not as a result of our efforts. But even in farming, we can have a roll to play. We can’t supply the sun and the rain, but we can prepare the soil and plant the seed. There are things we can do to cooperate with God’s work in our lives.  


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