The 29th Best All-Time Film

(10th Best Post-1998)
True Grit (2010)

We now enter the Top Ten list of the Post-1998 films, as well as the tippy-top Coen Brother’s film in my book. “The Ballad of Buster Scruggs” came out after this list had been worked over, so it is not included, but it would not likely overtake “True Grit” on my list. So, for this list we will include it here with a mention.

But, “True Grit” beats out films like “No Country for Old Men,” “Fargo,” and other greats. Perhaps it is because, even though there is a healthy dose of pessimism that one expects from their films, here we find a more optimistic view of humanity. At least a bit.

And, the reminder that in all our darkness, we do need that grace of God.

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