James (An Outline)

I. Greeting and Address [1 (1:1)]

II. Opening Thoughts: The Wisdom of Joy Found in Testing
1. Testing produces growth. [2 (1:2-4)]
2. Ask God for wisdom. [3 (1:5-8)]
3. Keeping eternal perspective. [4 (1:9-11)]
4. Perseverance resulting in perfection. [5 (1:12-18)]

III. Obedient Faith
1. Following the Law of Liberty. [6 (1:19-25)]
2. Pure Religion. [7 (1:26,27)]
3. The Royal Law: Impartial Love. [8 (2:1-13)]
4. Faith without Works is Dead; Justifying Faith Produces Works. [9 (2:14-25)]

IV. Unity in Community
1. Words reflect the heart. [10 (3:1-12)]
2. Wisdom is gentle and leads to peace. [11 (3:13-18)]
3. Humble yourselves! [12 (4:1-10)]
4. Do not speak against each other. [13 (4:11,12)]

V. A Wise Worldview
1. Rather than plan your future, trust God and do what is right. [14 (4:13-17)]
2. Rather than hoard material security, trust God and treat the disadvantaged better. [15 (5:1-6)]
3. Patiently wait on God to accomplish His plans. [16 (5:7-11)]
4. Do not swear any oaths but be a people of your word. [17 (5:12)]

VI. Closing Instructions
1. Various instructions, and a teaching on prayer. [18 (5:13-18)]
2. Hold each other accountable and turn sinners from sin. [19 (5:19,20)]


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