Clever Lies We Should Avoid 1/3

“God loves us just the way we are.”

We are told that the enemy is a master of deception, and part of the way that he lies is by including a portion of the truth. In the case of this first whopper we have to watch out for, there is a lot of truth in the lie. In fact, you would probably only need to change one word to remove a majority of the danger. Replace just with despite.

God does love us. Even while we are sinners and in active rebellion against Him, He loves us. That is why He was willing to send His Son to die in our place. It was out of love. But, the Son of God had to die in our place BECAUSE we are sinners and holy God cannot abide any sin. God loved us so much that He undertook the most drastic of measures to change us.

The danger in the lie “God loves us just the way we are,” is that is can cause us to believe that sin does not matter. That we do not need to change. That, in fact, our sin is a part of what God loves in us. Nothing could be further from the truth. God loves us and wants to have a restored relationship with us, but that cannot happen when we sin. So, God allowed Jesus to die in our place, removing our legal guilt. He gave us the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit to make changes in us that we could never make on our own, causing us to become less sinful as we grow in our relationship with Him. And, ultimately, God will give us a new existence in a renewed creation where sin is no more. God does love us. He loves us despite the sinful way we are. And He is helping us to do away with the sin that separates us from Him.

Never let anyone tell you that sin does not matter to God. There are scars that prove otherwise.


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