"Ralph Breaks the Internet" (2018)

The first Ralph film was a breath of fresh air for Disney films. It was less a story about a girl that needs to find her hero, (to be fair, plenty of Disney films are not that story) and more a tale about the hero discovering himself. And along the way it played with themes of sin-nature, free-will, sacrificial-love, and the healing and restoration such a love can bring about.

Returning to that playground (or arcade) for another look, Disney tackles a different sort of love, that you only occasionally see in their animated fare: the love of a parent, letting go.

Ralph has found his place in a world where he is his best self. And he loves the relationship he has as a father-figure/friend to Penelope. But, in an effort to do everything for her (and helicopter with the worst of such parents), he almost ruins her life. And as they embark on an adventure in the new, scary, untested world of the internet to fix her situation, Penelope begins to discover her own path forward in life.

Will Ralph be able to let go and (again) sacrifice himself for her best interest? It is a fair question for all parents. After we have given all of ourselves for our children, are we willing to let them become their own person? Hard stuff.


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