Holy Rhythms (Leviticus 23)

You ever drive a stretch and realize that you have been tuned out to what you were doing? Of course! We all do this from time to time. I have often noticed when driving between cities on the autobahn that I have no real memory of the drive afterwards. I can be so concentrated on the road and the cars around me that I go into an autopilot mode. It isn’t that I wasn’t concentrated on my task. I was so concentrated that I was not very conscious of what I was doing.

I think traditions and life rhythms are similar in many ways. We may set up traditions, schedules and rhythms to focus our lives on certain things, but we may also become so habitual in these rhythms that we forget or stop thinking about their purpose.

In Leviticus, God set up life-rhythms for His people that kept their focus on Him. We are no longer bound to these traditions. For one thing, we now have another dimension of relationship with God. We aren’t kept at a distance. That said, we can still enjoy the benefits of traditions and rhythms. Our day is likely planned around a time with God. Our week is built around our time of sabbath with God and a church family. Some of us have annual patterns that are more elaborate than Christmas and Easter. The key is to be intentional and thoughtful about how we live out these traditions.

Do things to remind you of why you are doing them. Change them up to strengthen the meaning where needed. Maintain them to force the connection. Don’t go into autopilot.


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