The Parable of the Ten Virgins (25:1-13)

The Olivet discourse has two parts. In the first part (chapter 24) Jesus answers (sort of) three questions from His disciples about “The End.” (They were really questions about what Jesus said concerning the destruction of Jerusalem and the disciples’ expectations of His Kingdom coming.) Now, in the second part (chapter 25) Jesus tells three stories about being ready for The End. The End that will be unforeseeable and abrupt.

The first story concerns ten young women who were part of a bridal party, awaiting the arrival of the groom. Back in that culture, wedding dates were not announced, but came as a surprise. Half of the women came prepared for the undetermined wait, the others did not. So, not surprisingly, when the big moment came only half the ladies were able to participate.

This is a simple story. It is reinforcing the message Jesus has already delivered. “You can’t know when the Kingdom is going to break through with power into the world, so be watchful, be ready.

One way or another, The End is right around the corner. Be it the awaited return of the King or the inevitable end of your life, you never know when you will stand and answer for how you have lived your life. Entry into the Kingdom is not dependent on your efforts or preparedness, but once you are a citizen you are expected to be living as one. Not perfect, but working on it.


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