Certain Signs (Matthew 24:29-51)

Two things we know for certain about Christ’s return.

One, it will be obvious and apparent. You will not miss it. It is sort of like when I used to go fishing. I would think all the time that I was getting a “bite,” but it would just turn out to be my hook getting stuck on the bottom of the pond or in some weeds. But when a real bite happened there was no doubt. At that point, all the false bites became readily apparent. People think they see signs of “the end” all the time. They are wrong, but when the real time comes everyone will know it.

Two, there is a reason you can ALWAYS know a prediction of the end is wrong. No one, not even Jesus when He was here, knows the time. I laughed when a man wrote “88 Reasons Christ Will Return in 1988.” There was no way he had found a hidden sign of the times in Scripture, because Scripture says plainly that no one can know. It was not surprising when 1989 came along. (But it was a bit of a shock that he didn’t learn the lesson, but instead wrote “89 Reasons Christ Will Return in 1989.” We all know how that went.)

The important lesson to take away here is not to be looking for a sign, but to always be ready for the end; be that the end of the world or the end of your life. We are all guaranteed that the day will come without warning. Might as well be ready…


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