Persecution, More Not Signs (Matthew 24:15-28)

Jesus goes on to address—and not really address—the questions. As time goes on, He warns there will be persecution against God’s people, His people. As with many biblical prophecies, this speech has multiple fulfillments. The circumstances Jesus describes—Jerusalem and the temple being taken over by a satanic, anti-Christ power, desecrating things and declaring itself divine—had already happened in part before Jesus day. Something that had been predicted by Daniel centuries before, but that had yet to be completely fulfilled. Jesus says it is still to come, and just a few decades after this discourse it would be partially fulfilled again. But the real end of the age, the one still to come will be worse. And, despite what some recent teachings want to claim, Christians are in for persecution. The final persecution and tribulation will be the worst. So, something to look forward to! One constantly repeated message of scripture is that we need to be prepared.

But something else that Jesus declares will be a recurring theme of the church age to come, is false messiah figures who will come and lead people astray, even the church. This too is something to be prepared for and to watch out for. Never believe anyone who tells you that the messiah has returned. When that happens, you will know it as the next bit describes…


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