Star Trek Enterprise (Season 3D)

Season 3c -- Season 4a

The last part of the season managed to pick things up again. The focus on the overarching seasonal story certainly helped. That said, the story is advanced mainly through a lot of meetings and talking, so it bogs down from time to time. In the rush to get to the climax, the series does not slow down to explore many ethical or philosophical issues. Even the rich possibilities in the war effort are not explored much as the action takes precedence.

Episode 71: “Damage” 

In a case of “the ends justifying the means” Archer becomes a pirate, stealing an engine from a helpless ship. The show makes an effort to show that it is a step too far. But—perhaps in an exploration of the costs of war—they go through with the act. And there is no exploration of consequences. At least not in season 3.

Episode 72: “The Forgotten” 

This episode is largely an attempt to get the Xindi to see that Earth is not the threat they have been told it is. In fact, the betrayal of the reptilian Xindi is the bigger threat.

Episode 73: “E2” 

Enterprise encounters a future version of themselves, a generational ship that was thrown back over a century in time. The fact that this future version of them helps them avoid the circumstances that sent them back in the first place should be the end of the story, but they somehow manage to work together to advance the mission.

Episode 74: “The Council” 

Archer tries to convince the other factions of the Xindi council. He does so with some, but triggers an all-out civil war as reptilians and insectoids steal the weapon headed for Earth.

Episode 75: “Countdown” 

In a race to get to the weapon before it can be used against Earth, our heroes also have to deal with the fact that Sato has been kidnapped and forced to unlock a code needed to activate the weapon. Her rescue mission in intense and costly.

Episode 76: “Zero Hour” 

Everything comes to a head as the Enterprise must stop the weapon and destroy the sphere network creating the expanse.


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