Leviticus Outline

I The Seriousness of Atonement (1:1-16:34)
     1. The Five Major Offerings (1:1-6:7)
          A. The Burnt Offering (1:1-17)
          B. The Grain Offering (2:1-16)
          C. The Peace Offering (3:1-17)
          D. The Sin Offering (4:1-35)
          E. The Guilt Offering (5:1-6:7)
     2. Ordination and Instructions for Priests (6:8-7:38)
          A. The Burnt Offering (6:8-13)
          B. The Grain Offering (6:14-23)
          C. The Sin Offering (6:24-30)
          D. The Guilt Offering (7:1-10)
          E. The Peace Offering (7:11-36)
          F. Summary (7:37,38)
     3. Establishment of the Priesthood (8:1-10:20)
          A. The Ordination (8:1-36)
          B. The 1st Service (9:1-24)
          C. Nadab and Abihu (10:1-20)
     4. Unclean, Clean, and Holy (11:1-15:30)
          A. Unclean and Clean Animals (11:1-47)
          B. Uncleanliness in Childbirth (12:1-8)
          C. Unclean Diseases (13:1-14:57)
          D. Unclean Discharges (15:1-33)
II. The Day of Atonement (16:1-17:16)
     1. The Ritual (16:1-34)
     2. The Blood (17:1-16)
III. The Life after Atonement (18:1-27:34)
     1. Holiness (18:1-22:33)
          A. Forbidden Pagan Worship (18:1-30)
          B. The Call to Holiness (19:1-37)
          C. Punishment (20:1-27)
          D. Priestly Holiness (21:1-16)
          E. Sacrificial Holiness (22:1-33)
     2. Holy Times (23:1-25:55)
          A. Holy Feasts (23:1-44)
          B. Oil and Bread of the Presence (24:1-9)
          C. Blasphemer (24:10-23)
          D. Sabbatical Year and Jubilee (25:1-22)
          E. Laws of Redemption (25:23-55)
     3. Blessings and Curses (26:1-46)
     4. Vows and Dedication (27:1-34)


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