Amos Conclusions

If you are the sort of Christian that believes your nation is inherently Christian—or worse, that it is somehow a “new Israel”—Amos cannot be a fun read. In this prophecy, God condemns national pride in a scary way.

If you are the sort of Christian who holds to a doctrine that says God’s blessings are signaled by material success and riches, and that true faith will bring wealth, health and success as the world measures it, Amos is probably a squirm inducing message. God hates this sort of thinking and the life it leads to, according to His own words.

And, if you are the sort of Christian that—like the Pharisees, Jesus’ greatest opponents—believes that the downtrodden are that way due to their own guilt; that they would not be poor or disadvantaged if they were more obedient… If you are the sort that thinks it is alright to look after your own interests and concerns and not help “the least of these” then you probably don’t ever read Amos. It would be too damning.


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