YHWH at the Altar Part II (Amos 9:11-15)

Amos does not end his massage with destruction, but with restoration. In the place of the luxurious temple, a tabernacle will be rebuilt. The promise of the messianic kingdom will come. God stays true to His word even when we fail.

And the kingdom will be restored. And it is not a nationalistic kingdom of a privileged race, but a collection of all the nations on earth.

“…all the nations who are called by my name.”

Israel’s mission has always been to be a picture and a witness to the whole earth. A picture of the way life can be lived when God’s plan is followed. A witness of the God who wishes to restore creation to himself, who loves us and has made a way for us to have a relationship with Him again as it was in the beginning, before our rebellion. And today we carry that mission forward, not as a nation of people, but as a church of many peoples. If we ever lose sight of this mission and the grace that makes it possible, can we really think that we are immune to the visions of judgement found in Amos? I pray we never become so arrogant and proud as Amos’ audience was!


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