YHWH at the Altar Part I (Amos 9:1-10)

The final poetic declaration of Amos is terrifying! He sees YHWH, the Lord of Hosts standing at the altar of the temple. God declares that the temple will be utterly destroyed from top to bottom. And the pieces will be used to kill any survivors. No one will escape; there is no place to hide from the wrath of God. From the tops of the mountains to the bottom of the seas—from the land of the dead to the very heavens—no one can escape the laser-focus of God.

“I will fix my eyes upon them for evil and not for good.” 

That is a terrifying vision!

Many people like to compare the Christian west to Israel. Many have said that Great Britain or the USA are the modern chosen people of God. That is not theologically accurate, however it is indeed appropriate in many ways. Those who call themselves to be “God’s People” had best be sure that they are truly living as God desires, and not just labeling themselves in an effort to justify injustice! Nationalistic religion is not something God smiles upon.

“…the eyes of YHWH are upon the sinful kingdom… all the sinners of my people shall die by the sword.”

In this declaration, YHWH scoffs at those who said that no disaster would overtake them because God was on their side. It is God Himself who will overtake them! IN these days of cheap-grace we like to remind ourselves that there is no one without sin, and God no longer holds accountable those who trust in Him. However, in Amos, we are not seeing judgement for just any little sin. The nation had chosen nationalistic religion—a mixture of pagan idolatry and YHWH-ism. God will not abide idolatry, even when it is practiced in His name. That is taking His name in vain!


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