What is your response? (7:1-17)

Chapter seven of Amos presents two seemingly unrelated accounts. First, we see three visions that the Lord gave Amos: visions of judgement against Israel. Then, we get a narrative account of Jeroboam confronting Amos about his prophesies. However, the two halves of the chapter are telling one story, the story of how people respond when confronted with the consequences of their sin.

In the first two visions of judgement, Amos sees Israel being destroyed. First by locusts and then by fire. In both cases Amos cries out for forgiveness. The Lord relents, but he then shows Amos a vision of a plumb line, used to measure the integrity and uprightness of a wall. The symbol is not subtle. Israel has been judged and shown to be crooked. It cannot stand.

But, in the story of Jeroboam, we see a different reaction. Jeroboam insults God’s messenger and insists that he leave. Amos’ message of warning and judgement for sin is not met with repentance or cries for mercy. Jeroboam is arrogant. He does not fear consequences for sin that he refuses to acknowledge. As far as Jeroboam is concerned, he is righteous by his very nature. He can do no wrong. Arrogance and pride define Israel’s view of itself. THAT is the plumb line exposing their crookedness.


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