"O Come to the Altar"

I am not familiar with Elevation Church, but a couple of their songs have really spoken to me in this year of exile. “O Come to the Altar” is a wonderful altar call (something you don’t see much anymore), but also a great, theologically rich invitation and witness. (Bonus: It is in my favorite time signature!)

The first part of the song is a call to those in the world who are seeking. It is reminiscent of scriptures like Revelation 22, where the Spirit and the Bride call out to all who are thirsty. It is calling out to all who are broken and hurting. This is the first requirement for salvation: an awareness of one’s sad state. When non-believers deride faith by calling it a crutch, they are right. The truth is that we are all in need of repair and healing, but only those who’s rebellion has weakened enough for them to see this fact are able to see that they need the crutch.

Jesus invites all who will come to do so, the Father is waiting with open arms. And this is something we all need to hear again and again.

The second part of the song is the worship of those who have accepted God’s forgiveness and healing. The Gospel is an amazing truth that should never become tired, ordinary, or lose its awesomeness. And Jesus is not just a Savior. He is Lord and we worship, surrender, and live obediently as His subjects.

Finally, the last tag doesn’t settle in an attitude of worshipful celebration but turns us to worshipful lives of service. In this already/not-yet Kingdom we live in, we bear our cross and witness to the broken and hurting around us.


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