Mile Markers

Mile Markers, sign posts, memorials. We tend to mark the passage of time with anniversaries and memories of what has come before. D Day is an example this week of an important date for civilization. This week I marked—and made—some important personal moments.

We moved into our first house in Dresden 13 years ago this week, on June 6, 2006. I always remember it because our neighbor remarked how funny it was that we moved in on 6/6/6. But we had arrived for the first time in Europe a few days earlier, on June 2, 2006. So, 13 years since we moved our kids and everything we owned.

And this year, on June 2 we mark another day. We left behind two of those kids as we moved away to head back to Europe. As hard as it was to leave home and family back then, it is tougher in many ways to leave kids behind.


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