Evil Time (Amos 5:10-13)

The description of Israel here is a depressing one. Justice trampled upon and the people of God embracing such conditions. But what is perhaps most depressing is the last verse… that prudent men in such times can only bite their tongues.

It is an understandable situation. When men won’t stand up for the correct, ethical approach to life—and in fact embrace evil dealings—preaching out against such atrocities will only get one beat down, or worse. It is particularly felt these days, when the people of God—too fearful of hardship, sacrifice, or loss of power—embrace evil men as saviors. When the whole world sees clear evil—but the people of God call it good—it is hard to be a voice of reason in the community of faith. No one wants to hear that the emperor has no clothes.

That is what Amos deals with here. It could even be said that such circumstances are a part of God’s judgement. When His people reject the prophets and would rather kill men of God rather than treat the poor and the outcast as God commands, then God removes the prudent voice of warning and hands the people over to their own worst sins.


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