This Is Not Our Home (Matthew 17:22-27)

I have lived nearly half of my life in countries that where I was not a citizen. Not everyone understands the life of a stranger, a foreigner. You are a part of the culture in many ways, and you belong to the society. You have connections, relationships, make contributions. However, you do not have the same rights and privileges of those around you. You may have opinions, but not really a say, and there are times when you must remain silent where those who belong can speak out.

That is what I see being shown here in this difficult passage. Jesus explains to Peter that those who belong to His kingdom are not ultimately citizens of earthy realms. Yet since we live here we need to participate in the requirements that those realms place upon us. We pay taxes, we submit to the laws of the land. As guests we are not exempt from the authorities that God allows to rule here.

But the flip-side is also true. Just as I also benefit from having a blue passport, from freedoms and protections that those around me in my guest nation don’t possess, my citizenship in the Kingdom of God gives me rights and privileges that are special. My home citizenship enables me to see my host culture from a completely different perspective. I can speak truth where blinders rule. My citizenship in the Kingdom does the same.


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