The 45th Best All-Time Film

(16th Post-1998) 
Brick (2005)

At 45, I come to a film that has me second guessing my choices. Not that “Brick” is not great, or that it isn’t critically acclaimed, but is it really better than the hundreds of films that rank lower on my list? How do I have it higher than other noir gems like “L.A. Confidential” or “Chinatown?” At the end of the day, this is where I am with “Brick” at this point in time. It deserves to sit here, just a tic better than Back to the Future, in the top 50 films of all time. I have written about it before. Beyond the interplay of genre placed in a different context, “Brick” is quality, straight-forward, story not relying on the gimmick.


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