Sci-fi Commentary

I recently saw two sci-fi films from the late 70s and early 80s—purely by coincidence—1978’s “Invasion of the Body Snatchers” and 1982’s “Kamikazi 89.” I was struck again, as I repeatedly am, by how powerful fantasy genre films can convey commentary and messages about culture.

Both films have a similar, rough production value and a heavy paranoia for the culture. “Body Snatchers” is a horror story about people being overtaken and replaced with the ultimate conformist, alien versions of themselves. The story is a remake of a much older film—itself a retelling of an even older book—but it feels as though it was tailor-made for the time. “Kamikazi 89” on the other hand, is a German, cyber-punk detective story taking place in a totalitarian future where corporations run the show.

Both films feel pertinent again today. The current climate of paranoia, tribalism, and fear feeding hatred. The challenge in such times is to avoid the pull to find safety in conformity, especially when said safety involves finding a tribe that demonizes all others. The powers that be like to promise us protection when what they really need is our unquestioning support to maintain their power.

Or, maybe the late70’s/early 80’s paranoia is catching. Don't seek out Kamikazi, but do find the soundtrack if you can!


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