"Fully Empowered" by Pablo Neruda

Found this year in a used bookstore, slightly mildewed, waiting to be rescued. In Spanish with English translations by Alastair Reid.

Appropriate for today, excerpts from “Adioses,” (“Goodbyes” in English.)

Me defundí, no hay duda,
me cambié de existencias,
cambié de piel, de lámpara, de odios,
tuve que hacerlo
no por ley ni capricho,
sino que por cadena,
me encadenó cada nuevo camino,
le tomé gusto a tierra a toda tierra.

And, newly arrived, I promptly said goodbye
with still newborn tenderness
as if the bread were to open and suddenly
flee from the world of the table.
So I left behind all languages,
repeated goodbyes like an old door,
changed cinemas, reasons, and tombs,
left everywhere for somewhere else;
I went on being, and being always
half undone with joy,
a bridegroom among sadness,
never knowing how or when,
ready to return, never returning.


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