Complicated Spiritual Realities (Matthew 17:1-13)

The transfiguration is one of those amazing events in the life of Jesus where words fall short of communicating what happened. We read the accounts, but likely can’t begin to imagine how astounding it was. Jesus reveals His glory to the closest disciples in an undeniable way.

One thing to note here is when this event occurs in the discipleship of Jesus followers. He does not show them this until nearly the end of His earthly ministry. Even then, He does not show it to the majority. We might think that this would have been a great place to start. Want to let people know you are the Messiah? Why not show them plainly?

Jesus does not reveal Himself this way until the disciples are already on board with the reality of His divinity. And even when He shows them, they are still clueless as to what it means.

What this tells me is that faith is a necessary precursor to the realities of the spiritual world. And, even with faith and when we begin to see the world with spiritual eyes, that is no guarantee that we will really completely understand what we are seeing.

It is complicated for us to wrap our heads around truths that transcend.


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