12 Years of NonModern

Twelve years-ago today, I jumped on the blog bandwagon and started a personal discipline. Well, it wasn’t until months later with my 2008 New Year’s resolution that the discipline began. However, since then I have managed to average about one post—one thought—every weekday.

Twelve years! Back then I had no teen children, today all my kids are in or past their teens. Back then the MCU didn’t exist. That was two presidents ago. I was learning German, now I’ve lived over a quarter of my whole life in Germany. Back then I had seen around 1200 movies in my life, (don’t ask, I just know.) Since then I have seen nearly 1200 more. (1175)

I don’t know how long I will continue this disciple, but it is now a habit, and my audience of one enjoys having the thoughts to look back on.


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