Top 50th Film: "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe" (2005)

There is really know argument. Books are nearly always better than the film. And this case is not an exception to that rule, so don’t get caught up in what could have been. “The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe” in 2005 did the best job of translating Narnia to the big screen. The same cannot be said for its two sequels. (“The Dawn Treader” was particularly bad, in my opinion.)

The story is so great that this film vaults up my list to the top 50th film of all time. Even the disappointment of the subsequent films and the petering out of the series (that is promising to restart soon?) doesn’t derail the success of this allegory.

I’ve written more about this film here. But right now you just need to take an imaginary trip to the wardrobe and see this movie.

(This film is ranked 18th Post-1998)


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