The Danger of Pharisaical Thinking (Matthew 16:1-12)

The Gospel of Matthew has a fascinating structure here in this section. After the introductory, infancy stories, he has been alternating between narrative and teaching sections all along. Here in this fourth instance, each half is divided in two in a parallel fashion. In chapter 14 we get narratives as they cross the sea and on the other side. In Chapter 15 we get stories back in Galilee. Now, in 16 we get teaching as they cross the sea and are away from Israel again. Then in 17 we will get teaching back in Galilee. Nice, neat structure.

Matthew begins this teaching sectionā€”where Jesus will teach the twelveā€”bridging from narrative into teaching with a story about the Pharisees, followed by teaching about the dangers of the Pharisees.

The Religious leaders ask Jesus for a sign. They would be willing to believe, the claim, if He were to simply prove His claims. This is something we hear a lot to this day. ā€œIf God is real, why doesnā€™t He just reveal Himself?ā€ Of course, the problem with that sentiment is that it is either blind or disingenuous. Jesus points this out. Just as the signs of coming weather are self-evident and obvious, so are the signs that Jesus has been displaying all throughout His ministry. The Pharisees simply refuse to see them.

And the problem is no different today. The case for the Creator is clear. The signs of God are all around us. His revelation, even miraculous and specific are there to be had for anyone looking. He has even spelled out His message to us in black and white.

Jesus goes on to warn His disciples specifically to be on their guard against this enemy of God: the religious leaders. People pushing their own agenda, their own self-serving message are the biggest enemies of the Kingdom and the Church. This should serve as a warning, both to not be deceived by such false teachers, as well as to not become such a teacher!


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