Faith as Trust 2 (Matthew 15:21-28)

Here Matthew gives us another look at a small, yet great faith. After Peter’s example of walking on the water in chapter 14, here we get another non-Israelite demonstrating a faith that surprises Jesus. (The only other example of a “great faith” before this was also from a gentile.)

What is it about this Canaanite woman’s faith that is so great? Perhaps it is the fact that she shows any faith at all, after growing up in a pagan culture. It might be her insistence. But, I suspect it has a lot to do with what we see in her answer to Jesus’ statement about children and pets. When Jesus suggests that it is wrong to give that which is intended for the children to the family dog, she surprises Him with her response.

“Even the dogs feed off the crumbs.”

Her answer reflects an understanding that she is unworthy of the mercy she is requesting. But the reality is that we are all of us, even Israel, the chosen people, unworthy of any grace or mercy from God. The children in this case were guilty of not treasuring or recognizing what Jesus was offering. The fact that there are so many “crumbs” being dropped is evidence of this. But it isn’t just the generation of Jesus’ day. The whole story of the Old Testament is a case of God showing mercy to a people who are completely undeserving.

And that is the point of the salvation history in the Bible. Everywhere we look we see people who do not deserve God’s love. But we also see a God who loves in spite of that. And here this woman’s faith shows that she is willing to ask, willing to trust, that Jesus can save her and her daughter if He will. That is a great faith. It is an example of the kind of faith we need to have today.

Never forget that we are all utterly dependent on God’s grace for Him to show us any mercy at all.


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