Grand Canyon

I have been to a lot of beautiful natural places: Torres del Paine, Berchtesgaden, Pamukkale, Bled, and so on. But seeing the Grand Canyon for the first time was the first time a place took my breath away. There were the usual oohs and ahs eventually, but I spent the first moments unable to speak and choked up a bit.

It is in many ways less beautiful to me than other places, but it is the most awe-inspiring place I have ever seen. The vast scope. The unimaginable time and forces that had to work upon the plains to produce it.

I was worried that it might ruin another favorite place of mine, the second largest canyon in the US, Palo Duro Canyon. And it did. Not completely, as I still love that place and all the memories I have there. But the Grand Canyon is so much more impressive that Palo Duro is no longer impressive to me. Still love it, I just know better.


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