Stories About the Kingdom in Eternity (Matthew 13:44-58)

The next set of stories Jesus uses to teach His followers about the Kingdom talk about value—the value of the Kingdom and value in the Kingdom.

We first read two stories about men giving up everything they have for a treasure. The thing about the treasure in each case is that its value in each case far outweighs what they have given up in exchange. The message is clear. If one has to lose everything in order to obtain the Kingdom of Heaven, it is worth it. We should hold back nothing in our pursuit of a restored relationship with God. There is nothing this life has to offer that could ever compare.

The next story is about the end of time and relates in a way to the story of the wheat and the weeds. The angels are seen sorting through the harvest, this time a harvest caught in a net. They keep the good catch and toss away the bad. The story is again about value. The Kingdom consists of the righteous. Those who are evil are tossed away.

So, the Kingdom of Heaven is of greater value than anything the world has to offer. It far outweighs anything we could produce, find, or be on our own. To be a part of the Kingdom is to be counted among the good, the “keep-able,” that which will last. Why would you ever consider not choosing to be a part of God’s Kingdom? Why would you not cast your lot in with Jesus and trust Him?


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