Introduction (Amos 1:1,2)

The book of Amos is the message from a man we know very little about. He was a shepherd from the southern kingdom of Judah who was sent with several visions of judgement to Israel during the golden age of Jeroboam II. During the reigns of Jeroboam in Israel and Uzziah in Judah, the nation experienced its greatest successes outside of the days of Solomon. They were rich, they were powerful, and they had peace all around them. All things that open a people up to problems of affluence and temptations of materialism.

This is precisely why this book feels like it is written for our day as well. In Western civilization, we are rich, powerful, and have had an uncharacteristically long period of peace. A tiny percentage of the population holds the vast majority of the world’s wealth and resources. And, troubling for us, Christians in the west belong to that tiny percentage. Are we doing what God would have us do, or are we comfortable, fat and evil? We are prone to the same sins and temptations that Israel faced in Amos’ day. We need to heed the warnings God gave them.

“YHWH roars from Zion and from Jerusalem He utters His voice.” This is not a throw away line or some poetic language to get us started. The lion’s roar cannot be ignored. It can be heard for miles around. It is something to take note of, because it lets you know that there is danger around. However, it is also a possible comfort. When you don’t hear the lion, that means he is on the prowl. The roaring lion has fed. He is content. He is not trying to attack and is not worried about announcing his presence.

In Amos, we see God coming to warn His people. We should take note.


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