Amos (Intro and Outline)

After looking in depth at the book of Exodus, I turn next, and again, to a shorter subject from the OT: the minor prophet Amos. His is a book that is especially relevant to our day in age. He looks at injustice and tells us of God’s judgements against the prosperous, proud, and pitiless Israel at the height of her power, just before she fell. It was reportedly MLK’s favorite Old Testament book. Let’s see what it has for us today.

Here is a broad outline that will serve us as we dive in:

I. Opening
II. Eight Oracles of Judgement
     A. Judgements on Israel’s Neighbors
     B. Judgements on Israel
III. Five Visions of Judgement
     A. Inescapable
     B. A Terrible End
     C. YHWH at the Altar


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