A Dificult Day: Background (Matthew 14:1-12)

Next in Matthew’s Gospel we come to events that could best be described as a very difficult day for Jesus. And it all starts out with a terrible piece of news. John, Jesus’ cousin is killed by Herod.

Herod is a terrible figure in the Gospels. His father was the one who had ordered all infant boys killed at the announcement of Jesus’ birth. Now, his four sons ruled his divided territory. The Herod over Galilee was no better a man than his father. He had seduced his brother’s wife, who also happened to be his niece. John the Baptist had condemned that as immoral and he was now sitting imprisoned for the impertinence.

Herod’s sister-in-law/wife hated John for it. But Herod was both fearful and fascinated with John, so he would not have him killed. In order to get her way, she had her daughter (Herod’s niece and step-daughter) dance an erotic dance for Herod that so pleased him, he promised her anything she wanted. She asked for John’s head on a plate.

This is the story of a man wholly rejecting God’s word. Much like Jesus’ home-town, here we have an example of the hard soil that Jesus talked about. And we must not be fooled today. Often, people who reject God will still be fascinated with Him. Never mistake fascination with conviction!

As Jesus receives the hard news of John’s death, He looks to retreat and be alone for a while…


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