The Mind of God (Exodus 32:7-35)

The holiness of God cannot abide the sinful, rebellious people He has saved from Egypt. The just response from God is wrath and punishment. This is the just response to all sin. No one can stand in rebellion against the Creator of the universe!

But, Moses reminds YHWH of His glory and the promises that He demonstrated in power before the whole world on behalf of these people. How will God’s glory and character look if they are simply rescued to be destroyed?

God’s passion for His glory prevails. Grace and Mercy will overrule absolute justice, but not for the people’s sake. YHWH is holy and just, but He is also a God of His promises. They way all of that tension and paradox is maintained is a miracle of the gospel story.

Moses intercedes for the people, but when he sees their sin and rebellion first hand, he too is filled with righteous rage. Even we sinners are capable of recognizing and hating sin! Aaron’s responses in particular (blaming Moses, the people, and even the gold itself) are pathetic and ridiculous!

The people are ultimately spared, but not without facing terrible consequences for their rebellion. Moses delivers judgement, the Levites execute many, and YHWH Himself destroys many more through a plague.

Moses prays for the people and begs God for forgiveness. Ultimately, it is not anything earned or that the people may deserve, but a sovereign choice of God. He alone decides who will be spared and who will be justly judged for their sin. It seems that God maintains a portion of the people who will not rebel along with the masses. This is something we will see going forward as they make their way through the wilderness. God’s sovereign grace guards a remnant of the people.


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