The 24th Best Films


Seven Samurai (1954) 
Kurosawa would later look to the western genre (via Italy) for inspiration, here he inspired the real westerns in America. Actually, he may have invented the action film while he was at it. This story has been retold so many times, but this is the best of a great bunch.


Contact (1997) 
I love this story about the nature of faith. We all believe things we can’t prove to others, but as we live in this reality our faith is confirmed or squashed by how it holds up. And ultimately, there is more out there than any mind can fathom, so we do need to look to “outside” authority.


No Country for Old Men (2007) 
The Coen brothers seem to love to tell morality tales, but here they take a look at the nature of evil. We indeed live in a world that is not our friend. And those not pursuing the vanity of money, gain, or materialism will increasingly find that this fallen world does not make sense. It is bent, broken, and in need of a savior. We long for a better place.


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